The dance floor

In my eyes life is like a massive dance floor with each of us handed down a different song, a unique lyric to dance to by the Tune Master. Each is perfected to our setting and character.


We see our friends enjoying their song and we want to dance like them. We refuse our gifted song! We never get to value the colors and magic within what we have been given.

We watch our neighbor’s dance moves and we are like ‘Wow, I gotta learn those moves instead. They’re way cooler than mine!” So we lose track and don’t horn our own dance.

Then we see the youngsters and we criticize their moves. We say our days were golden and real, while they say we’re so last year; old, in the archives of age, and ignorant dancers stuck in the stone caves. We fail to recognize the goodness in new and appreciate the timelessness in the old.

We rate ourselves against our peers thinking they could’ve done better! “They don’t know how to use their moves wisely” we lament. We focus too much on the failings of others we forget to enjoy our time on the dance floor.

We envy others thinking they were given finer songs and spaces than ours. “They’ve got the best part of the dance floor” we say. Yet our giftings if perfected can be unique and matchless.

We berate the moves of some while we loath others for being wiser dancers. We will go as far as calling them cheats and social climbers. We will say they must be related to the Tune master. We will name things like nepotism and tribalism. The social ills and all.

If only we could focus on nurturing others while building ourselves! For to teach others perfects and makes us experienced and legendary dancers! 

We are too sucked up in watching other people enjoy their songs and fine tune their moves we forget about our own presence on the dancefloor. We get lost in envy and criticism. 

Whatever your song is, whatever your age is, whatever the chaos on the dance floor, create your own moves, your own rendition, your remix, your version; whatever it is do something. Do an EP! Yell. Shout. Learn. Relearn. Dance!

Enjoy it now. Do your crazy moves. Mess up. Mash up. Crank up. Leap off tune even. Sing off tune while at it if you must! Dance like you have 8 left feet. It’s your song being played! 

Dance your best and worst move and grow from it; for there’s no perfect dancer in the journey of life. We are all dancing our way through the storms and summers of life. Through thorns, moors, bogs and savannah.

Enjoy your tune to the fullest because at the end of the day it’s your song and it won’t be replayed. You are your lead star. Be it. Don’t give your lead role to someone else.

One day the Tune Owner will come down and do the judging when the music plays to its last beat. Its end. You don’t want to get caught ogling at what others are doing on Life’s dancefloor; so get moving! Do your dance.

Sometimes the song may sound like its not worth it but create moves that will perfect it. Find fun and some joy within the symphonies. Even when its sad, dance. 

So go on now! Show the Tune Master what you’ve got! Show Him your whackiest moves! Get Him cracking up with laughter and shaking His head in disbelief and happy that you are on the dance floor.


PS: I wrote this a while back. Then reworked it for a friend of a friend. And now, I have reworked it for this blog.

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